Download Randy Bernsen - Paradise Citizens album

Artist: Randy Bernsen
Album: Paradise Citizens
Released: October 8, 1988
Genre: Jazz
Style: Fusion
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 103.1 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of the music album Paradise Citizens by Randy Bernsen in FLAC format. This album was released on October 8, 1988 and includes as many as 8 tracks. Download the album if you want to enjoy these music works: Carmen; When Twilight Speaks; Open Invitation; Be Still And Know; In A Sentimental (Island) Mood; Z; Glass Turkey; Continuum. The Paradise Citizens album mostly contains the tracks in the Fusion style. The full archive with FLAC and MP3 files weights 103.1 mb and is available for download on the iOZ-Music site.
1. Carmen
2. When Twilight Speaks
3. Open Invitation
4. Be Still And Know
5. In A Sentimental (Island) Mood
6. Z
7. Glass Turkey
8. Continuum
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