Download Corima - Quetzalcoatl album

Artist: Corima
Album: Quetzalcoatl
Released: November 9, 2012
Genre: Rock
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 175.3 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of Quetzalcoatl by Corima. The album containing 19 tracks was released to the public on November 9, 2012. Now you can also enjoy its full tracklist: I. Corima Iss De Hündin!; Corima Iss De Hündin!; Gurdhait Nefertatt; Vhlakoshpetzz; Sunna Domitiwuando; Wlakezz Fhunder; Krishkalidortz; Divindondiwua; Khozmikh Kavhiledrios; II. Zhuntra; III. Tezcatlipoca; IV. Quetzalcoatl; Quetzalcoatl; Kualtililocayotl; Iknoakayotl; Necnomatlicayotl; Teiknottalistli; Neltococayotl; Teomatilistli. The Prog Rock style is the prevailing one in the Quetzalcoatl album. The size of the ZIP archive containing all the tracks is 175.3 mb. FLAC and MP3 versions are available for free on the iOZ-Music site.
1. I. Corima Iss De Hündin!
2. Corima Iss De Hündin!
3. Gurdhait Nefertatt
4. Vhlakoshpetzz
5. Sunna Domitiwuando
6. Wlakezz Fhunder
7. Krishkalidortz
8. Divindondiwua
9. Khozmikh Kavhiledrios
10. II. Zhuntra
11. III. Tezcatlipoca
12. IV. Quetzalcoatl
13. Quetzalcoatl
14. Kualtililocayotl
15. Iknoakayotl
16. Necnomatlicayotl
17. Teiknottalistli
18. Neltococayotl
19. Teomatilistli
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