Download China - Moto Contínuo album

Artist: China
Album: Moto Contínuo
Released: February 3, 2011
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 95.9 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of the music album Moto Contínuo by China in FLAC format. The album includes 11 tracks that were released to the audience on February 3, 2011. The complete tracklist contains such music pieces, as: Boa Viagem; Só Serve Pra Dançar; Overlock; Nem Pensar Em Você; Mais Um Sucesso Pra Ninguém; Distante Amigo; 12 Quedas; Terminei Indo; Programador Computador; Espinhos; Anti-Herói. The album Moto Contínuo is recorded in the popular Alternative Rock style. The full archive with FLAC and MP3 files weights 95.9 mb and is available for download on the iOZ-Music site.
1. Boa Viagem
2. Só Serve Pra Dançar
3. Overlock
4. Nem Pensar Em Você
5. Mais Um Sucesso Pra Ninguém
6. Distante Amigo
7. 12 Quedas
8. Terminei Indo
9. Programador Computador
10. Espinhos
11. Anti-Herói
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