Download Trésors - Pleine Lune (Remixes) album

Artist: Trésors
Album: Pleine Lune (Remixes)
Released: October 4, 2013
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 70.2 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Those who searched to download MP3 or FLAC Pleine Lune (Remixes) by Trésors can easily do it here. The collection of 4 tracks was first released on October 4, 2013. In the album, you’ll find the following tracks: Holy Strays Afraamix; Bestial Mouths Remix; Steve Moore Remix; Blackmail Remix. The Pleine Lune (Remixes) album tracklist is recorded in the Electro style. They are available for free as a ZIP or RAR archive from the iOZ-Music website. The complete archive size is 70.2 mb.
1. Holy Strays Afraamix
2. Bestial Mouths Remix
3. Steve Moore Remix
4. Blackmail Remix
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