Download Zlatko Pejaković - Sve Je U Redu album

Album: Sve Je U Redu
Released: October 12, 1983
Genre: Rock, Pop
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 139.2 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the free high-quality FLAC version of Sve Je U Redu from Zlatko Pejaković. The Album was released on October 12, 1983 and features 9 tracks. The album consists of these songs: Oj, Živote Moj; Malena; Ne Kuni Se; Zbogom Reci; Plesači Na Žici; Sanjaj Me; Kradljivci Sreće; Samo Pjesma; Sve Je U Redu. If you like the Schlager style, the album Sve Je U Redu is for you. The total size of the archive with all tracks is 139.2 megabytes. FLAC and MP3 versions available at the iOZ-Music.
1. Oj, Živote Moj
2. Malena
3. Ne Kuni Se
4. Zbogom Reci
5. Plesači Na Žici
6. Sanjaj Me
7. Kradljivci Sreće
8. Samo Pjesma
9. Sve Je U Redu
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