Download Zachary Richard - Vent D'Etè album

Album: Vent D'Etè
Released: May 18, 1981
Style: Cajun, Zydeco
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 184.3 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Vent D'Etè by Zachary Richard. The album first appeared on May 18, 1981. Its tracklist consists of 10 tracks. The album contains these compositions: M'attrapper Cocodrie; Par Une Jolie Nuit; A La Radio; Tout Ca C'est Fou; Vent D'Etè; Quand Tu Es Loin; Pauv' 'Tit Neg; Hello Josephine; Assimilation; Con Todo De Meus Coracao. Almost all of the compositions in the Vent D'Etè album belong to the Cajun style. The tracks in FLAC and MP3 formats are available for download as a ZIP archive on the iOZ-Music site. The total size of the archive doesn’t exceed 184.3 mb.
1. M'attrapper Cocodrie
2. Par Une Jolie Nuit
3. A La Radio
4. Tout Ca C'est Fou
5. Vent D'Etè
6. Quand Tu Es Loin
7. Pauv' 'Tit Neg
8. Hello Josephine
9. Assimilation
10. Con Todo De Meus Coracao
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