Download Yama-Uba - With Your Faith Silenced album

Artist: Yama-Uba
Album: With Your Faith Silenced
Released: September 28, 2019
Genre: Rock
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 109.3 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the album With Your Faith Silenced from Yama-Uba for free. The collection of 8 tracks was first released on September 28, 2019. In the archive you can hear all of them: Ordinary; Blackened; Dust; Reign; Faith; Silence; Embrace; Undone. The style of the album With Your Faith Silenced is Heavy Metal. The size of the Full version of the archive with all the tracks is 109.3 megabytes and is available for free on the iOZ-Music website.
1. Ordinary
2. Blackened
3. Dust
4. Reign
5. Faith
6. Silence
7. Embrace
8. Undone
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