Download Willie Rosario & His Orchestra - El Bravo Soy Yo! album

Album: El Bravo Soy Yo!
Released: June 2, 1963
Genre: Latin
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 189.7 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of El Bravo Soy Yo! by Willie Rosario & His Orchestra. There are totally 10 tracks in the album that first appeared on June 2, 1963. In the archive you can hear all of them: Buscando Guaguanco; Eres Todo Para Mi; Dame Tu Amor Morenita; Dejame Estar Contigo; Lagrimas Negras; Mereces Que Te Quiera; Guaguanco Bonito; Dicelo A El; El Bravo Soy Yo; Te Amo En Silencio. The album El Bravo Soy Yo! belongs to the style of Salsa. The ZIP or RAR archive size in MP3 and FLAC formats is 189.7 mb; you can download all the tracks for free from the iOZ-Music.
1. Buscando Guaguanco
2. Eres Todo Para Mi
3. Dame Tu Amor Morenita
4. Dejame Estar Contigo
5. Lagrimas Negras
6. Mereces Que Te Quiera
7. Guaguanco Bonito
8. Dicelo A El
9. El Bravo Soy Yo
10. Te Amo En Silencio
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