Download Various - Ελαφρολαϊκά, The Greek Pop Scene album

Artist: Various
Album: Ελαφρολαϊκά, The Greek Pop Scene
Style: Laïkó
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 81.9 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
We offer to download the album Ελαφρολαϊκά, The Greek Pop Scene by Various in any format for free. The album contains these compositions: Κυρά Γιώργαινα; Τι Να Φταίη; Νάτανε Το 21; Στις 16 Μάη Μήνα; Αγωνία; Νάχα Την Δύναμη. The music pieces of the album Ελαφρολαϊκά, The Greek Pop Scene are recorded in the Laïkó style. The size of the Full version of the archive with all the tracks is 81.9 megabytes and is available for free on the iOZ-Music website.
1. Κυρά Γιώργαινα
2. Τι Να Φταίη
3. Νάτανε Το 21
4. Στις 16 Μάη Μήνα
5. Αγωνία
6. Νάχα Την Δύναμη
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