Download Various - Slovenska Popevka 72 album

Artist: Various
Album: Slovenska Popevka 72
Released: November 28, 1972
Genre: Pop
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 71.5 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
We offer to download the album Slovenska Popevka 72 by Various in any format for free. There are totally 12 tracks in the album that first appeared on November 28, 1972. Now you can also enjoy its full tracklist: Narobe Svet; Mati Bodiva Prijatelja; Pilula Za Srečo; Ljubljančanke; Hrepenenje Majhnega Zaliva; Naj Bo Mavrica; Ko Boš Prišla Jemat Slovo, Mladost; Otroci Morja; Moja Strast; Ljubezen Je Najlepši Dar; Prva Ljubezen; Med Iskrenimi Ljudmi. Most of the tracks of the album Slovenska Popevka 72 are recorded in the Vocal style. The ZIP archive with compositions in MP3 and FLAC formats weights 71.5 megabytes. You can easily find it on the iOZ-Music website.
1. Narobe Svet
2. Mati Bodiva Prijatelja
3. Pilula Za Srečo
4. Ljubljančanke
5. Hrepenenje Majhnega Zaliva
6. Naj Bo Mavrica
7. Ko Boš Prišla Jemat Slovo, Mladost
8. Otroci Morja
9. Moja Strast
10. Ljubezen Je Najlepši Dar
11. Prva Ljubezen
12. Med Iskrenimi Ljudmi
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