Download Various - Music at the Court of Henri IV album

Artist: Various
Album: Music at the Court of Henri IV
Released: July 3, 1973
Genre: Classical
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 190.3 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
We offer to download the album Music at the Court of Henri IV by Various in any format for free. The album was presented to the audience on July 3, 1973 and includes 11 tracks. Download the album if you want to enjoy these music works: Terpsichore Musarum; Three Pieces for Regale: Ungaresca, Allemande & Judentantz; D'ou vient cela; Un Satyre cornu; Ballet des coqs; Fantaisie; Airs de cour, Las je n'eusse jamais pense, Quand le gril chante; Pavane & Gaillarde; Three Pieces; Bransles de Champaigne; Fantaisie on "Une jeune fillette". The album Music at the Court of Henri IV is recorded in the popular Renaissance style. The archive contains all the tracks in MP3 format that weight 190.3 mb. To download it, open the iOZ-Music site.
1. Terpsichore Musarum
2. Three Pieces for Regale: Ungaresca, Allemande & Judentantz
3. D'ou vient cela
4. Un Satyre cornu
5. Ballet des coqs
6. Fantaisie
7. Airs de cour, Las je n'eusse jamais pense, Quand le gril chante
8. Pavane & Gaillarde
9. Three Pieces
10. Bransles de Champaigne
11. Fantaisie on "Une jeune fillette"
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