Download Various - Balade album

Artist: Various
Album: Balade
Released: April 8, 1997
Genre: Rock, Pop
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 141.4 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Balade by Various. This album was released on April 8, 1997 and includes as many as 14 tracks. The music tracks on the list are: Moji Drugovi; Rat I Mir; Nebo Jedino Zna; Hrabar I Lud; Amsterdam; Moja Dijana; Srećo Reci; Elizabet; Sve Smo Mogli Mi; Ona Spava; Ljubim Te Pesmama; Ove Noći Jedna Žena; Moj Anđele; Neko To Od Gore Vidi Sve. The tracks in the New Wave style account for the most part of the Balade album. From the iOZ-Music site you can download the ZIP or RAR archive with the MP3 tracks that weights 141.4 mb.
1. Moji Drugovi
2. Rat I Mir
3. Nebo Jedino Zna
4. Hrabar I Lud
5. Amsterdam
6. Moja Dijana
7. Srećo Reci
8. Elizabet
9. Sve Smo Mogli Mi
10. Ona Spava
11. Ljubim Te Pesmama
12. Ove Noći Jedna Žena
13. Moj Anđele
14. Neko To Od Gore Vidi Sve
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