Download Unnur Sara - Unnur Sara Syngur Gainsbourg album

Artist: Unnur Sara
Album: Unnur Sara Syngur Gainsbourg
Released: September 8, 2018
Genre: Jazz, Pop
Style: Vocal
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 174.0 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Unnur Sara Syngur Gainsbourg by Unnur Sara. There are totally 13 tracks in the album that first appeared on September 8, 2018. The album contains these compositions: Með Kaffilit (Couleur Café); La Javanaise; Je Suis Venu Te Dire Que Je M'en Vais; Valse De Melody; Commente Te Dire Adieu; L'eau Á La Bouche; Þetta Allt Og Ekkert (Ces Petits Riens); Ne Dis Rien; Sous Le Soleil Exactement; Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son; Black Trombone; Cha Cha Cha Du Loup; L'anamour. The album Unnur Sara Syngur Gainsbourg is recorded in the Vocal style. The MP3 and FLAC full version archive size is 174.0 megabytes and it’s available on the iOZ-Music website for download free of charge.
1. Með Kaffilit (Couleur Café)
2. La Javanaise
3. Je Suis Venu Te Dire Que Je M'en Vais
4. Valse De Melody
5. Commente Te Dire Adieu
6. L'eau Á La Bouche
7. Þetta Allt Og Ekkert (Ces Petits Riens)
8. Ne Dis Rien
9. Sous Le Soleil Exactement
10. Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son
11. Black Trombone
12. Cha Cha Cha Du Loup
13. L'anamour
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