Download The Jumping Jacques - Sugar & Spice album

Album: Sugar & Spice
Released: June 8, 1969
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 187.4 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
The music album Sugar & Spice by The Jumping Jacques is available for free download. The album includes 12 tracks that were released to the audience on June 8, 1969. Full track list for review: Mississippi Mischief; Gossip And Chatter; Strolling Along The Seine; Let Them Eat Cake; Through A Brazilian Rain Forest; Offbeat Fugue; Sugar And Spice And Everything Nice; Love Me Now; Somehow I Feel I Must Be Dreaming; L'Opera Des Jours Heureux; Someday We'll Know; Banjo Itis. The style of the album Sugar & Spice can be characterized as Jazz-Funk. The ZIP or RAR archive size in MP3 and FLAC formats is 187.4 mb; you can download all the tracks for free from the iOZ-Music.
1. Mississippi Mischief
2. Gossip And Chatter
3. Strolling Along The Seine
4. Let Them Eat Cake
5. Through A Brazilian Rain Forest
6. Offbeat Fugue
7. Sugar And Spice And Everything Nice
8. Love Me Now
9. Somehow I Feel I Must Be Dreaming
10. L'Opera Des Jours Heureux
11. Someday We'll Know
12. Banjo Itis
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