Download Tami Chynn - Hyperventilating / Looky Looky album

Artist: Tami Chynn
Album: Hyperventilating / Looky Looky
Released: July 18, 2005
Genre: Reggae
Style: Dancehall
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 184.7 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of the music album Hyperventilating / Looky Looky by Tami Chynn in FLAC format. The album includes 5 tracks that were released to the audience on July 18, 2005. Including all of these ones: Hyperventilating; Hyperventilating (Instrumental); Looky Looky (Main); Looky Looky (Tony Kelly Remix Clean); Looky Looky (Instrumental). The tracks in the Dancehall style predominate in the Hyperventilating / Looky Looky album. On the iOZ-Music site you can find the full 184.7-megabyte ZIP archive with all the songs in FLAC and MP3 formats.
1. Hyperventilating
2. Hyperventilating (Instrumental)
3. Looky Looky (Main)
4. Looky Looky (Tony Kelly Remix Clean)
5. Looky Looky (Instrumental)
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