Download Sphere - Breathe album

Artist: Sphere
Album: Breathe
Released: October 5, 2006
Genre: Electronic, Pop
Style: Lounge, Lo-Fi
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 197.2 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Breathe by the prominent singer Sphere. This album was released on October 5, 2006 and includes as many as 13 tracks. This release includes compositions such as: Breathe; Divine; Is It Sun?; I Can; I Fly Away; Automatic Samba; Space Love; Avalanche; Enchanted World; My Baby's Gone; Slow Motion; If; Sans Larmes. If you like the Lounge style, the album Breathe is for you. From the iOZ-Music site you can download the ZIP or RAR archive with the MP3 tracks that weights 197.2 mb.
1. Breathe
2. Divine
3. Is It Sun?
4. I Can
5. I Fly Away
6. Automatic Samba
7. Space Love
8. Avalanche
9. Enchanted World
10. My Baby's Gone
11. Slow Motion
12. If
13. Sans Larmes
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