Download Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha - Raga Jogeshwari album

Album: Raga Jogeshwari
Released: June 14, 1980
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 166.2 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of Raga Jogeshwari by Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha. The Album was released on June 14, 1980 and features 5 tracks. These are such compositions, as: Raga Jogeshwari; Alap; Jor; Gat I (Tala Jhaptal); Gat II (Tala Ektal). The album Raga Jogeshwari is recorded for the fans of the Indian Classical style. The total size of the ZIP archive in MP3 and FLAC formats is 166.2 mb; you can download it on the iOZ-Music for free.
1. Raga Jogeshwari
2. Alap
3. Jor
4. Gat I (Tala Jhaptal)
5. Gat II (Tala Ektal)
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