Download One Vote For Violence - Desolation album

Album: Desolation
Released: December 25, 2020
Genre: Rock
Style: Deathcore
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 75.5 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Desolation by the prominent singer One Vote For Violence. This album with 10 was first introduced to the public on December 25, 2020. Among them, there are the following compositions: State Of Desperation; Illusive; Breaking Point; Writhe; Relapse; Harsh Reality; No Trace; Defiler; Mental Collapse; Human Extinction. The album Desolation is recorded in the Deathcore style. The archive contains all the tracks in MP3 format that weight 75.5 mb. To download it, open the iOZ-Music site.
1. State Of Desperation
2. Illusive
3. Breaking Point
4. Writhe
5. Relapse
6. Harsh Reality
7. No Trace
8. Defiler
9. Mental Collapse
10. Human Extinction
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