Download NY Licorice Ensemble - Warabe-Uta Remix: Japanese Children's Songs album

Album: Warabe-Uta Remix: Japanese Children's Songs
Released: July 14, 2016
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 140.0 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Want to get the free version of Warabe-Uta Remix: Japanese Children's Songs by NY Licorice Ensemble? Download it here! This album with 9 was first introduced to the public on July 14, 2016. Now you can also enjoy its full tracklist: Minimal de Kokiriko; The Zuizui Blues; Mt. Semba Fantasy; Nanbu Lullaby; Lettre à l'oisif (d'après Aizu Bandaisan); Hana Ichi Monme; Simultaneous Variations; Nomadic Flight At Dusk; Sankaku Dude! (Yagi-bushi). The Warabe-Uta Remix: Japanese Children's Songs album tracklist is recorded in the Contemporary style. The total size of the archive with all tracks is 140.0 megabytes. FLAC and MP3 versions available at the iOZ-Music.
1. Minimal de Kokiriko
2. The Zuizui Blues
3. Mt. Semba Fantasy
4. Nanbu Lullaby
5. Lettre à l'oisif (d'après Aizu Bandaisan)
6. Hana Ichi Monme
7. Simultaneous Variations
8. Nomadic Flight At Dusk
9. Sankaku Dude! (Yagi-bushi)
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