Download Nando Boom - El Explosivo album

Artist: Nando Boom
Album: El Explosivo
Released: August 15, 1988
Genre: Reggae, Latin
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 94.8 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of the music album El Explosivo from Nando Boom in mp3 format. This album was released on August 15, 1988 and includes as many as 8 tracks. Full tracklist is as follows: Yo Creo En El Amor; Que Tu Mujer Te Puede Hacer; Ragamofi Stily; El Tiempo Escolar; Yo No Tengo Plata; Dejalo Ahi; Mi Mujer Habla Asi; Reggae Rock. The El Explosivo album mostly contains the tracks in the Reggae style. The size of the Full version of the archive with all the tracks is 94.8 megabytes and is available for free on the iOZ-Music website.
1. Yo Creo En El Amor
2. Que Tu Mujer Te Puede Hacer
3. Ragamofi Stily
4. El Tiempo Escolar
5. Yo No Tengo Plata
6. Dejalo Ahi
7. Mi Mujer Habla Asi
8. Reggae Rock
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