Download Muship - 6-Sense album

Artist: Muship
Album: 6-Sense
Released: November 22, 2016
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 200.6 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
The music album 6-Sense by Muship is available for free download. The singer came out with 12 tracks of this album on November 22, 2016. In the archive you can hear all of them: 青の砦 - The Blue Fort; 地獄迷路 = Hell Maze; Cappuccino; 色彩電気 = Color & Electricity; 雨を浴びたい = I Wanna Shower The Rain!; 暗闇にふたりきり = Two Alone In The Darkness (2016 Live Arrange); Wonder Wander Panda; Vertigo; 片道切符 = One Way Ticket; Espresso (2016 Live Arrange); お望み通りの生き方を = Always Be Yourself; まじる = Mixing. The 6-Sense album mostly contains the tracks in the J-pop style. The total size of the ZIP or RAR archive with songs in MP3 FLAC formats is 200.6 mb, you can download the album for free at the iOZ-Music.
1. 青の砦 - The Blue Fort
2. 地獄迷路 = Hell Maze
3. Cappuccino
4. 色彩電気 = Color & Electricity
5. 雨を浴びたい = I Wanna Shower The Rain!
6. 暗闇にふたりきり = Two Alone In The Darkness (2016 Live Arrange)
7. Wonder Wander Panda
8. Vertigo
9. 片道切符 = One Way Ticket
10. Espresso (2016 Live Arrange)
11. お望み通りの生き方を = Always Be Yourself
12. まじる = Mixing
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