Download Mark Milan - Foolish Pride album

Artist: Mark Milan
Album: Foolish Pride
Released: January 19, 1991
Genre: Electronic
Style: Freestyle
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 176.2 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Foolish Pride by the prominent singer Mark Milan. You can hear 6 tracks, which the singer presented on January 19, 1991. Now you can listen to its complete tracklist: Foolish Pride (Club Mix); Foolish Pride (Radio Mix); Foolish Pride (Stringapella); Foolish Pride (Due Mix); Foolish Pride (House Mix); Metro Message. The style of the album Foolish Pride is Freestyle. On the iOZ-Music site you can find the full 176.2-megabyte ZIP archive with all the songs in FLAC and MP3 formats.
1. Foolish Pride (Club Mix)
2. Foolish Pride (Radio Mix)
3. Foolish Pride (Stringapella)
4. Foolish Pride (Due Mix)
5. Foolish Pride (House Mix)
6. Metro Message
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