Download Kitty Macfarlane - Namer of Clouds album

Album: Namer of Clouds
Released: June 18, 2018
Style: Folk
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 146.5 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the free copy of Namer of Clouds by Kitty Macfarlane fast and easy. The album contains 11 tracks and was released on June 18, 2018. The album includes the following tracks: Starling Song; Namer Of Clouds; Seventeen; Sea Silk; Morgan's Pantry; Glass Eel; Wrecking Days; Dawn & Dark; Frozen Charlotte; Man, Friendship; Inversnaid. The Namer of Clouds album tracklist is recorded in the Folk style. The total size of the ZIP or RAR archive with songs in MP3 FLAC formats is 146.5 mb, you can download the album for free at the iOZ-Music.
1. Starling Song
2. Namer Of Clouds
3. Seventeen
4. Sea Silk
5. Morgan's Pantry
6. Glass Eel
7. Wrecking Days
8. Dawn & Dark
9. Frozen Charlotte
10. Man, Friendship
11. Inversnaid
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