Download Juraj Galan, Norbert Dömling - Playing For Love album

Album: Playing For Love
Released: September 19, 1987
Genre: Jazz
Style: Fusion
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 191.1 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Those who searched to download MP3 or FLAC Playing For Love by Juraj Galan, Norbert Dömling can easily do it here. The album was brought to the public attention on September 19, 1987 and includes 9 tracks. All of them are included in the archive: Stiletto; Playing For Love; Sleep Walker; Interlude Nr. 2; Patras; Borsalino; Encore; Cafe Ole; Interlude Nr. 3. The Playing For Love album mostly contains the tracks in the Fusion style. The ZIP or RAR archive with FLAC and MP3 tracks weights 191.1 mb. You can download it from the iOZ-Music site.
1. Stiletto
2. Playing For Love
3. Sleep Walker
4. Interlude Nr. 2
5. Patras
6. Borsalino
7. Encore
8. Cafe Ole
9. Interlude Nr. 3
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