Download Jacques Schwarz-Bart - Jazz Racine Haiti album

Album: Jazz Racine Haiti
Released: January 2, 2014
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 176.4 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Jazz Racine Haiti by Jacques Schwarz-Bart. The album first appeared on January 2, 2014. Its tracklist consists of 10 tracks. Now you can also enjoy its full tracklist: Kouzin; Banda; Blues Jonjon; Badé Zilé; Night; Kontredans; Sept Fé; Vaudou Zepole; Je Vous Aime Kongo; Legba Nan Baye. The album Jazz Racine Haiti style is Latin Jazz. From the iOZ-Music site you can download the ZIP or RAR archive with the MP3 tracks that weights 176.4 mb.
1. Kouzin
2. Banda
3. Blues Jonjon
4. Badé Zilé
5. Night
6. Kontredans
7. Sept Fé
8. Vaudou Zepole
9. Je Vous Aime Kongo
10. Legba Nan Baye
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