Download I Cani - Aurora album

Artist: I Cani
Album: Aurora
Released: April 28, 2016
Genre: Electronic, Pop
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 89.8 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Here, you’ll find the free version of the music album Aurora by I Cani. This album was released on April 28, 2016 and includes as many as 11 tracks. Including all of these ones: Questo nostro grande amore; Non finirà; Baby soldato; Il posto più freddo; Protobodhisattva; Aurora; Una cosa stupida; Calabi-Yau; Ultimo mondo; Finirà; Sparire. The style of the album Aurora is Indie Pop. The complete archive with MP3 and FLAC tracks weights 89.8 mb and is available on the the iOZ-Music website.
1. Questo nostro grande amore
2. Non finirà
3. Baby soldato
4. Il posto più freddo
5. Protobodhisattva
6. Aurora
7. Una cosa stupida
8. Calabi-Yau
9. Ultimo mondo
10. Finirà
11. Sparire
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