Download Holly Golightly - Slowtown Now! album

Album: Slowtown Now!
Released: June 8, 2015
Genre: Rock, Blues, Pop
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 88.0 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
The music album Slowtown Now! by Holly Golightly can be downloaded in MP3 or FLAC formats. The collection of 12 tracks was first released on June 8, 2015. In the archive you can hear all of them: Seven Wonders; Fool Fool Fool (Look In The Mirror); Frozen In Time; As You Go Down; Stopped My Heart; Empty Space; Catch Your Fall; Slowtown; Hell To Pay; What You See; Forevermore; When I Wake. The style of the album Slowtown Now! can be characterized as Blues Rock. The MP3 and FLAC full version archive size is 88.0 megabytes and it’s available on the iOZ-Music website for download free of charge.
1. Seven Wonders
2. Fool Fool Fool (Look In The Mirror)
3. Frozen In Time
4. As You Go Down
5. Stopped My Heart
6. Empty Space
7. Catch Your Fall
8. Slowtown
9. Hell To Pay
10. What You See
11. Forevermore
12. When I Wake
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