Download Harem Scarem - So Blind album

Artist: Harem Scarem
Album: So Blind
Released: December 22, 1998
Genre: Rock
Style: AOR, Hard Rock
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 161.1 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of So Blind by the prominent singer Harem Scarem. This album with 3 was first introduced to the public on December 22, 1998. The album includes the following tracks: So Blind; Wasted Time (Unreleased Version); Without You (Unreleased Version). The album So Blind is recorded for the fans of the AOR style. The total size of the ZIP archive with FLAC and MP3 songs, which you can download for free from the iOZ-Music site, is 161.1 mb.
1. So Blind
2. Wasted Time (Unreleased Version)
3. Without You (Unreleased Version)
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