Download Goatblood - Veneration Of Armageddon album

Artist: Goatblood
Album: Veneration Of Armageddon
Released: May 28, 2016
Genre: Rock
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 127.1 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of the music album Veneration Of Armageddon by Goatblood in FLAC format. There are totally 18 tracks in the album that first appeared on May 28, 2016. As for the full tracklist, it includes the following songs: Joseph's Brain; Shred the Threat; Necroromantic Lovers; Congregation of Suicidal Ceremony; Excretion in a Red Burst; Last Siege of Jerusalem; Bum of Bethlehem; Goatland Rules Supreme; Mary`s Happy Enema; Grueling Forces Fisting Jesus; Lamb Hymen Virgin Booster; Sexcraving Witchcunt; Collapse of Shitbowl Earth; Ultimate Meltdown Imminent; Satan Fucks the Universe; Serpent of Nod; Anorexic Goatchick; Magda`s Blood (Outro). The album Veneration Of Armageddon is recorded in the Death Metal style. On the iOZ-Music site you can download the 127.1-mb archive with all the FLAC tracks completely free of charge.
1. Joseph's Brain
2. Shred the Threat
3. Necroromantic Lovers
4. Congregation of Suicidal Ceremony
5. Excretion in a Red Burst
6. Last Siege of Jerusalem
7. Bum of Bethlehem
8. Goatland Rules Supreme
9. Mary`s Happy Enema
10. Grueling Forces Fisting Jesus
11. Lamb Hymen Virgin Booster
12. Sexcraving Witchcunt
13. Collapse of Shitbowl Earth
14. Ultimate Meltdown Imminent
15. Satan Fucks the Universe
16. Serpent of Nod
17. Anorexic Goatchick
18. Magda`s Blood (Outro)
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