Download Giallos - ¡Contra! album

Artist: Giallos
Album: ¡Contra!
Released: March 18, 2013
Genre: Rock
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 93.2 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of ¡Contra! by Giallos. This album with 11 was first introduced to the public on March 18, 2013. In the album, you’ll find the following tracks: 1973; El Santo Diesel; Ramirez Santiago; A Juventude X Giallos; Deadman; A Maldição Do Velho Boca Rica; Salve-se; Bem-Vinda!; Mundos Probabilidades; Medo De Morrer; Giallo. The album ¡Contra! style is Blues Rock. On the iOZ-Music site you can find the full 93.2-megabyte ZIP archive with all the songs in FLAC and MP3 formats.
1. 1973
2. El Santo Diesel
3. Ramirez Santiago
4. A Juventude X Giallos
5. Deadman
6. A Maldição Do Velho Boca Rica
7. Salve-se
8. Bem-Vinda!
9. Mundos Probabilidades
10. Medo De Morrer
11. Giallo
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