Download Friedemanns Aquamarin Orchester - In Concert album

Album: In Concert
Released: July 14, 1992
Genre: Jazz
Style: Fusion
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 188.8 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the free copy of In Concert by Friedemanns Aquamarin Orchester fast and easy. The album contains 12 tracks and was released on July 14, 1992. The complete tracklist contains such music pieces, as: My Blue Star; Aquamarin; Sourdos; L'eau De Mer; Achiltibuie; Sentimental Elegance; Lichterloh; Boa Lan; Indian Summer; Percussive Pyromania; He Who Walks Alone; Blow With The Wind. The album In Concert belongs to the style of Fusion. The full archive with FLAC and MP3 files weights 188.8 mb and is available for download on the iOZ-Music site.
1. My Blue Star
2. Aquamarin
3. Sourdos
4. L'eau De Mer
5. Achiltibuie
6. Sentimental Elegance
7. Lichterloh
8. Boa Lan
9. Indian Summer
10. Percussive Pyromania
11. He Who Walks Alone
12. Blow With The Wind
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