Download France Gall - Io Si, Tu No album

Artist: France Gall
Album: Io Si, Tu No
Released: December 15, 1965
Genre: Rock, Pop
Style: Vocal, Yé-Yé
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 117.1 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
The music album Io Si, Tu No by France Gall is available for free download. The collection of 2 tracks was first released on December 15, 1965. Including all of these ones: Io Si, Tu No; Se Agli Amici Dirai. Those who like the Vocal style, will enjoy the Io Si, Tu No album. The total size of the ZIP archive in MP3 and FLAC formats is 117.1 mb; you can download it on the iOZ-Music for free.
1. Io Si, Tu No
2. Se Agli Amici Dirai
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