Download Faramarz Payvar & Ensemble - A Persian Heritage (Classical Music Of Iran) album

Album: A Persian Heritage (Classical Music Of Iran)
Released: September 1, 1974
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 141.1 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of A Persian Heritage (Classical Music Of Iran) by the prominent singer Faramarz Payvar & Ensemble. The fans first had a chance to hear its 6 tracks on September 1, 1974. Now you can also enjoy its full tracklist: Dastgāh Shur; Dastgāh Homayoun; Dastgāh Segah; Zarb Solo; Dastgāh Chahārgāh; Dastgāh Māhour. The album A Persian Heritage (Classical Music Of Iran) belongs to the style of Persian Classical. FLAC and MP3 files are packed in the ZIP archive that weights 141.1 mb and can be found on the iOZ-Music site.
1. Dastgāh Shur
2. Dastgāh Homayoun
3. Dastgāh Segah
4. Zarb Solo
5. Dastgāh Chahārgāh
6. Dastgāh Māhour
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