Download Electric Orange - Krautrock From Hell album

Album: Krautrock From Hell
Released: March 2, 2010
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 168.6 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
The album Krautrock From Hell by Electric Orange in MP3 format can be downloaded here. The album was brought to the public attention on March 2, 2010 and includes 7 tracks. The album contains these compositions: Bandwurm; Sundos; Chorg (Cpt. Gyrok's); Hers; Kunstkopf; Neuronomicon; Wurmloch. The Krautrock From Hell album tracklist is recorded in the Krautrock style. The archive contains all the tracks in MP3 format that weight 168.6 mb. To download it, open the iOZ-Music site.
1. Bandwurm
2. Sundos
3. Chorg (Cpt. Gyrok's)
4. Hers
5. Kunstkopf
6. Neuronomicon
7. Wurmloch
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