Download Earl Bostic And His Alto Sax - Dance Time album

Album: Dance Time
Released: January 10, 1957
Genre: Jazz
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 138.5 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Those who searched to download MP3 or FLAC Dance Time by Earl Bostic And His Alto Sax can easily do it here. The album containing 12 tracks was released to the public on January 10, 1957. The album tracklist consists of: Harlem Nocturne; Where Or When; Sweet Lorraine; Poeme; You Go To My Head; Off Shore; The Moon Is Low; Ain't Misbehavin'; The Sheikh Of Araby; I Hear A Rhapsody; Roses Of Picardy; Melancholy Serenade. The total size of the ZIP archive with FLAC and MP3 songs, which you can download for free from the iOZ-Music site, is 138.5 mb.
1. Harlem Nocturne
2. Where Or When
3. Sweet Lorraine
4. Poeme
5. You Go To My Head
6. Off Shore
7. The Moon Is Low
8. Ain't Misbehavin'
9. The Sheikh Of Araby
10. I Hear A Rhapsody
11. Roses Of Picardy
12. Melancholy Serenade
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