Download Delavska Godba Trbovlje - 1903 - 1983 album

Album: 1903 - 1983
Released: June 23, 1983
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 118.5 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the free copy of 1903 - 1983 by Delavska Godba Trbovlje fast and easy. The singer came out with 5 tracks of this album on June 23, 1983. Its contents are as follows: Žumberška Rapsodija; Pomorščak (The Seafarer); Tri Invencije (Three Inventions); Trobentarjeva Uspavanka (A Trumpeter's Lullaby); Kralj Diksija (Dixie King). All the MP3 and FLAC tracks are packed in a ZIP archive that weights 118.5 mb. To download it, you should proceed to the iOZ-Music site.
1. Žumberška Rapsodija
2. Pomorščak (The Seafarer)
3. Tri Invencije (Three Inventions)
4. Trobentarjeva Uspavanka (A Trumpeter's Lullaby)
5. Kralj Diksija (Dixie King)
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