Download Danny Glover, Taj Mahal - Brer Rabbit And The Wonderful Tar Baby album

Album: Brer Rabbit And The Wonderful Tar Baby
Released: August 14, 1990
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 72.6 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Brer Rabbit And The Wonderful Tar Baby by the prominent singer Danny Glover, Taj Mahal. The collection of 7 tracks was first released on August 14, 1990. All of them are included in the archive: Brer Rabbit; Lullaby In A-Major Tonight; Nani's Tune; Brer Rabbit; Brer Rabbit Courtin' Song; Old Time/New Time Guitar Blues; Briar Patch. Most of the tracks of the album Brer Rabbit And The Wonderful Tar Baby are recorded in the Spoken Word style. The ZIP or RAR archive size in MP3 and FLAC formats is 72.6 mb; you can download all the tracks for free from the iOZ-Music.
1. Brer Rabbit
2. Lullaby In A-Major Tonight
3. Nani's Tune
4. Brer Rabbit
5. Brer Rabbit Courtin' Song
6. Old Time/New Time Guitar Blues
7. Briar Patch
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