Download Collage - Changes album

Artist: Collage
Album: Changes
Released: April 12, 1994
Genre: Rock
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 168.2 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Changes by the prominent singer Collage. This album with 13 was first introduced to the public on April 12, 1994. These are such compositions, as: Zmiany (Changes); Kołysanka '87 (Lullaby '87); My Czarodzieje (We Wizzards); Nocy Zamyślona (The Night Falls); Ja I Ty '88 (You And Me '88); Just Like Heaven (Part 1); Just Like Heaven (Part 2); Midnight Flier; 38/39; Rozmowa '86 (Conversation '86); Lovely Day '92; The Blues '92; Sun Meadows. Most of the tracks of the album Changes are recorded in the Prog Rock style. From the iOZ-Music site you can download the ZIP or RAR archive with the MP3 tracks that weights 168.2 mb.
1. Zmiany (Changes)
2. Kołysanka '87 (Lullaby '87)
3. My Czarodzieje (We Wizzards)
4. Nocy Zamyślona (The Night Falls)
5. Ja I Ty '88 (You And Me '88)
6. Just Like Heaven (Part 1)
7. Just Like Heaven (Part 2)
8. Midnight Flier
9. 38/39
10. Rozmowa '86 (Conversation '86)
11. Lovely Day '92
12. The Blues '92
13. Sun Meadows
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