Download Candido - Drum Fever album

Artist: Candido
Album: Drum Fever
Released: April 2, 1973
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 161.1 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of the music album Drum Fever from Candido in mp3 format. The Album was released on April 2, 1973 and features 9 tracks. The album contains these compositions: Candido's Funk; Succulent; Mighty Mouth; St. Louis Blues; Yolanda; St. Thomas; Sultry; Kushy; Soulwanco. The fans of the Funk music will also like the album Drum Fever. On the iOZ-Music site you can find the full 161.1-megabyte ZIP archive with all the songs in FLAC and MP3 formats.
1. Candido's Funk
2. Succulent
3. Mighty Mouth
4. St. Louis Blues
5. Yolanda
6. St. Thomas
7. Sultry
8. Kushy
9. Soulwanco
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