Download Bass Hit - Bass Sub-Mission album

Artist: Bass Hit
Album: Bass Sub-Mission
Released: September 5, 1994
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 119.1 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Download the full version of the music album Bass Sub-Mission by Bass Hit in FLAC format. The singer came out with 13 tracks of this album on September 5, 1994. Among them, there are the following compositions: Bass Sub-Mission; Nu-Style Bass; Bass On Your Dial; Basstronik; Trancefarm; Bass So Strong; Woofercooker; Lower The Boom; Bass Revolution; Movin 2 The Future; X-File Bass; Spectral Bass; I Dream Of Bass. The album Bass Sub-Mission is recorded in the popular Breaks style. The total size of the ZIP or RAR archive with songs in MP3 FLAC formats is 119.1 mb, you can download the album for free at the iOZ-Music.
1. Bass Sub-Mission
2. Nu-Style Bass
3. Bass On Your Dial
4. Basstronik
5. Trancefarm
6. Bass So Strong
7. Woofercooker
8. Lower The Boom
9. Bass Revolution
10. Movin 2 The Future
11. X-File Bass
12. Spectral Bass
13. I Dream Of Bass
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