Download Azymuth - Flame album

Artist: Azymuth
Album: Flame
Released: June 22, 1984
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 79.4 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Want to get the free version of Flame by Azymuth? Download it here! With as many as 6 tracks in the tracklist, this album was first brought out on June 22, 1984. As for the full tracklist, it includes the following songs: The Prisoner; Tamal Vista Boulevard; Rapa Poeira; The Textile Factory = Fábrica De Tecidos; Flame = O Amor É Chama; Right On. The style of the album Flame can be characterized as Smooth Jazz. On the iOZ-Music site you can find the full 79.4-megabyte ZIP archive with all the songs in FLAC and MP3 formats.
1. The Prisoner
2. Tamal Vista Boulevard
3. Rapa Poeira
4. The Textile Factory = Fábrica De Tecidos
5. Flame = O Amor É Chama
6. Right On
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