Download Author & Punisher - Ursus Americanus album

Album: Ursus Americanus
Released: July 15, 2012
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 199.0 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the full version of Ursus Americanus by Author & Punisher. The album includes 7 tracks that were released to the audience on July 15, 2012. In the archive you can hear all of them: Terrorbird; Lonely; Mercy Dub; Set Flames; Flesh Ants; Below And Above You; Ill Consuming. Majority of the Ursus Americanus tracklist belongs to the Dub style. The ZIP and RAR archives weight 199.0 mb. You can download MP3 and FLAC compositions from the iOZ-Music site.
1. Terrorbird
2. Lonely
3. Mercy Dub
4. Set Flames
5. Flesh Ants
6. Below And Above You
7. Ill Consuming
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