Download Aquelarre - Brumas album

Artist: Aquelarre
Album: Brumas
Released: February 18, 1974
Genre: Rock
Format: MP3, FLAC
Size: 174.0 mb
Bitrate: 324kbps
Get the free version of Brumas by Aquelarre. There are totally 7 tracks in the album that first appeared on February 18, 1974. Among them, there are the following compositions: Parte Del Día; Silencio Marginal; Aniñada; Brumas En La Bruma; Milagro De Pueblo; Aves Rapaces; Mirando Adentro. Almost all of the compositions in the Brumas album belong to the Blues Rock style. From the iOZ-Music site you can download the ZIP or RAR archive with the MP3 tracks that weights 174.0 mb.
1. Parte Del Día
2. Silencio Marginal
3. Aniñada
4. Brumas En La Bruma
5. Milagro De Pueblo
6. Aves Rapaces
7. Mirando Adentro
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